2020 In Review…

I am so happy to say that 2020 was the fifth year of gemsbooknook…

I set myself some goals for the year and I am so excited to say that I have reached most of them. I hoped to write 70 book reviews, get 350 followers, write 30 Wacky Wednesday posts, write 20 Sunday Session posts, and reach my Goodreads goal of 100 books, and I have achieved these goals.

The only goal that I didn’t meet was reaching 12000 viewers on my blog.

I have kept up with my Facebook page, Twitter account, Instagram account and Pinterest account to accompany my blog. I have been kept pretty busy with all of these accounts, but I have loved every second.

I even participated in my fifth Bookmas, now that was awesome, hard work, but awesome.

I have been reading a Shakespeare play every month and am happy to say that I completed the Complete Works of William Shakespeare this year, finishing my final Shakespeare play in December.

I also finished reading The Voyage Of The Beagle and The Origin Of The Species by Charles Darwin after starting it in monthly instalments earlier this year..

I have kept up with my Sunday Sessions post; I have really loved writing them. It is a bit of a wacky idea where I just write what ever I want. From rants, to poetry or whatever else takes my fancy. I am hoping to keep it up in 2021.

If you follow me on Instagram you will have noticed that I haven’t been posting everyday. I have Instagram post to accompany my blog posts and I have added a few Bookmail posts throughout the year as well.

Not only have you all helped me to achieve my blog goals of 2020 but your likes and comments have kept me motivated to do my best with every post or review.

I love being a member of Hachette Books Bloggers database, and I am looking forward to continuing that into 2021.

gemsbooknook wouldn’t be what it is without all of you. Thank you so much for your support in 2020, it really has meant the world to me. I look forward to bringing you more content in 2021.

Happy New Year.

❤ Gem

December Wrap Up…

Welcome to my December Wrap Up. I have had a great reading month, finishing 11 books (3 books off my TBR). I continued my new goal of reading 1 Shakespeare play.

I have reviews up or coming up for these books so as usual this is just going to be a brief run down on each book I read.

Without further ado, let’s get into my December Wrap Up:

The Storm Within by Cameron Smith: I loved this book. Such a great way to kick off the new reading month. This book was filled with amazing behind the scenes information and personal stories from Cameron Smith’s fantastic career. As a Cameron Smith fan I expected to enjoy this book what I hadn’t expected how much I was going to love it. I am so glad that Cameron Smith decided to write and release this awesome autobiography. This book is a must read for every sports fan out there.

The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare: It has taken me around two years but I have finally finished. I have been making my way through this collection on a monthly goal set up; I have been reading 1 play a month. Now that I have finished it I am so glad that I decided to put the effort in to read this collection. I had read bits and pieces of Shakespeare over the years but I am glad that I have now read Shakespeare’s complete works. I will differently be re reading some of these plays, sonnets and poems in the future.

As Old As Time by Liz Braswell: I really enjoyed this book. Belle is my favourite Princess so I was excited to get my hands on this book. I have read a few retellings in the past but this is easily one of my favourites. I loved that the story was true to the original tale as opposed to completely rewriting the personalities of the characters. I also loved the new layers that were added to the story. I am so glad that I read this book; now I am looking forward to reading more of Liz Braswell’s Twisted Tales.

Straight On Till Morning by Liz Braswell: This was another really enjoyable read. This is my second Twisted Tale and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The story of Peter Pan was never a favourite of mine; so I was genuinely surprised by how much I liked this book. If I honest I actually like this re-imaging more than the original story. I loved that this story featured more of Wendy and Tink and was more about how things change when you start growing up. After reading this book I honestly cant wait to get stuck into another of Liz Braswell’s Twisted Tales.

Melissa’s Story: Living With HIV by Andy Glynne: This book was wonderful. Not only is this book told by a real young person living with HIV, the way I which it is told makes it less frightening and easy to understand by a young reader. The illustrations show what Melissa’s life looks like and how she lives with her illness. All of these things together make this a truly wonderful book for young readers and their families.

My Special Christmas Adventure by Julia Wilson: This is a book that I read every year at Christmas. I love it each and every time that I read it. It was gifted to me by my Nan and Pop when I was a child and it is personalized just for me. Every year it fills me with Christmas Spirit and I look forward to reading it every year.

Rory The Dinosaur Needs A Christmas Tree by Liz Climo: This is another book I picked up to put me in the Christmas mood. I loved the message of this book and the illustrations were wonderful. This book was the perfect recipe for a little book of Christmas magic. I have a feeling I will be re reading this book again next Christmas, and maybe the one after that,

How The Grinch Stole Christmas by D Seuss: I have had a Grinch overload this year. After watching two Grinch movies I decided to re read the book. I really enjoyed reading this book, I had forgotten how much I love Dr Seuss. I am going to have to read some more Dr Seuss in the future and think I may need to add How The Grinch Stole Christmas to my annual December reading list.

Santa Is Coming To Sydney by Steve Smallman: I love this book. I am a fan of Christmas stories that take place in Australia. To have a story that is not only set in Australia but in Sydney specifically is wonderful. I know that you can get this book set in many different places so that children can have a Christmas story set where they live; which I think is fantastic. This book is a must have for all young readers and their families.

The Enigma Game by Elizabeth Wein: I am a massive fan of Elizabeth Wein so I was excited to dive into this book. I loved the plot f this book; it was interesting and fresh, and as usual her characters were amazing. Historical Fiction set during World War Two is my favourite and Elizabeth Wein is the master. I am so glad that I have read this book and now have another Elizabeth Wein book to add to my collection.

Kingdom Of The Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco: What a book to end the year on. I was sad when I finished the Stalking Jack The Ripper series by Kerri Maniscalco, so I was over the moon the get my hands on this book. Kerri Maniscalco’s writing really agrees with me and I am so excited to have a new Kerri Maniscalco series to read.

Shakespeare: I read 1 Shakespeare play in December, completing my goal of reading The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. I read the following Shakespeare Play This Month:

King Richard The Third

That’s it for my December Wrap Up. I hope you all had a great reading month. Let me know what you guys read this month in the comments section.

Until my January Wrap Up…

Happy Reading…

❤ Gem

The Great Escape From Woodlands Nursing Home by Joanna Nell

‘At nearly ninety, retired nature writer Hattie Bloom prefers the company of birds to people, but when a fall lands her in a nursing home she struggles to cope with the loss of independence and privacy. From the confines of her ‘room with a view’ of the carpark, she dreams of escape.

Fellow ‘inmate’, the gregarious, would-be comedian Walter Clements also plans on returning home as soon as he is fit and able to take charge of his mobility scooter.

When Hattie and Walter officially meet at The Night Owls, a clandestine club run by Sister Bronwyn and her dog, Queenie, they seem at odds. But when Sister Bronwyn is dismissed over her unconventional approach to aged care, they must join forces — and very slowly an unlikely, unexpected friendship begins to grow.’

This book was beautiful.

I will admit right off the bat that this book was a little slow at the start as readers were being introduced to the characters and various situations. Once the story starts to get going and you know who everyone is you won’t want to put this book down.

Having recently spent time in an aged care facility I was amazed by how accurate this book was. The descriptions, behaviours and activities were so familiar to me I just knew that the author had to have had some experience in aged care.

Joanna Nell did a fantastic job with this book. The story was equal parts heartwarming and heartbreaking; and the characters were utterly perfect. I loved had human and relatable the characters in this book were. I laughed and cried with them, and I was sad to say goodbye to them when the story finished.

After reading this book I have added Joanna Nell’s other works to my wish list; that is how much I loved this book.

The Great Escape From Woodlands Nursing Home by Joanna Nell is a must read for everyone.

Uni Update 13!

It’s that time again…

Uni Update!

This is my last Uni Update for the year (obviously).

I submitted my final assessment for this trimester at the end of November and I have now received my results; I passed. I actually did better in my final assessment then I thought I would, so I am pretty pleased with myself. I have now completed another subject in my degree.

I enjoyed this trimesters work, Developing Research and Analytical Skills was an interesting subject and as I was able to investigate topics that interested me whilst completing the course work and assessments I found myself getting through the work at a fairly rapid pace.

I have already selected and enrolled in my new subject to kick off next year; Academic Writing. I am now officially on holidays and I don’t have to think about Uni again until March 2021.

Since I don’t return to Uni until March 2021, their will obviously be no more Uni Updates until the end of March 2021.

Until then…

Happy Reading!


Christmas Haul!

Merry Christmas!

I hope you all have had or are having a wonderful Christmas.

Today is going to be a quick post of all of the wonderful things I received this Christmas from my loved ones and Santa.

So without further ado, let’s jump right on in!

The Library Of The Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith

Melissa’s Story: Living with HIV by Salvador Maldonado and Andy Glynne

Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

Hungry Hearts by Elsie Chapman and Caroline Tung Richmond

They Went Left by Monica Hesse

Kingdom Of The Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco

Harry Potter T-Shirt – Dementor

Harry Potter T-Shirt – Always Patronus

Harry Potter T-Shirt – Hogsmead Village

Harry Potter Playing Cards

Harry Potter Note Book

Harry Potter Saving Bank & Wand

Harry Potter Ornament

Dobby Is A Free Elf Socks

Eeyore Mug

Dusk Pink Butter Icing Candle

Peter Alexander Vegemite Slippers


X-Men T-Shirt

Captain America T-Shirt

Scratchies Christmas Tree

Baywatch Notebook

Day Planner


Pocket Day Planner

Uni Planner


Daily Mood Calendar

iPhone/iPad/iPod Speaker

Post Cards


Microfiber Hair Drying Scrunchies

Ecoya Hand Wash

Ecoya Hand Cream

Garnier Eye Mask

The Body Shop Body Butter

The Body Shop Shower Gel

Hand Cream




Well that’s it from me today. I want to say a massive thank you to my loved ones and Santa for all of these wonderful gifts.

I hope you have had or are having a wonderful time filled with love and happiness.

Merry Christmas from my family and I to you and yours.

Happy Reading…


Merry Bookmas!

Have a Wonderful Day with your Friends and Family.

I hope that you all enjoyed Bookmas 2020.

Before I leave you with my Christmas Gift, I hope you all get spoilt rotten this Christmas with both gifts and love.

So my gift to all you this year is my 2020 Bookmas Tree!

Drum Roll Please…

Ta Da!

Happy Bookmas Everyone!

Season’s Greetings!

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas One and All!


Bookmas Day 1…

It’s Bookmas Day 1 and that means it’s time for my favourite book of 2020.

Drum roll please…

Hollowpox: The Hunt For Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend.

This was never not going to be in my Top 12 books of the year. It was easily one of my most anticipated books of 2020 and now it has ended up as my favourite book of the year.

Hollowpox: The Hunt For Morrigan Crow is the third book in the Nevermoor series by Jessica Townsend. This middle grade series, magical, fabulous, emotional, and up-put-down-able. On top of that every single book in this series is not only extraordinary but they are getting better as the series unfolds.

I was sent the first book by the publisher and I am so glad that I was as it is a book that I may have not picked up on my own accord. After reading the first book I was hooked and have since counted down the days to get my hands on both the second and third book.

One of the best things about this book and this series as a whole is that you learn and grow with Morrigan. As she is new to the world she inhabits the reader get to experience everything with her for the very first time.

This series gives me Harry Potter feels. Not the story as such but the way I feel when I read this book is the same as the way I felt reading Harry Potter for the first time. That excitement and joy that fills you up and carries you through the story.

Hollowpox: The Hunt For Morrigan Crow is my favourite of the Nevermoor series and now I am counting down to the release of book four. This is one of my favourite series now and if you read it I hope you will feel the same.

That’s it for Bookmas Day 1!

Happy Reading Everyone…


Bookmas Day 2…

It’s Bookmas Day 2 and that means it’s time for my second favourite book of 2020.

Drum roll please…

Tippy And Jellybean by Sophie Cunningham with illustrations by Anil Tortop.

The True Story of a Brave Koala who Saved her Baby from a Bushfire.

Proceeds from this book will raise money for the Bushfire Emergency Wildlife Fund.

As soon as I read this book I knew it would be in my Top 12 books for the year.

With Australia going through the worst Bushfire season ever, this book was the perfect book for young readers to give them some hope and understanding about the Bushfires.

I don’t think anyone could have seen the images of the injured wildlife during the Bushfires and not have been deeply saddened by what they were seeing.

This book shows the amazing true story of a Koala and her baby as they fight to survive the horrific Bushfires. It also follows their recovery; which brings attention to the amazing people that are doing truly wonderful things to help Australia’s wildlife as it recovers.

The fact that this is a true story and that proceeds from this book go to the Bushfire Emergency Wildlife Fund makes this the perfect guilt free purchase.

A children’s book needs two things to make it fantastic. The story; which Sophie Cunningham has delivered perfectly, and the illustrations. The illustrations in this book were by Anil Tortop and they were visually amazing. The fear, the desolation, and through to the recovery of the Koala’s was perfectly captured by Anil Tortop’s breathtaking illustrations.

Tippy And Jellybean is not only one of the best children’s books I have read this year, it is easily one of the best children’s books I have ever read. I truly believe that all Australian’s should have a copy of in their house regardless of their age.

That’s it for Bookmas Day 2!

Happy Reading Everyone…


Bookmas Day 3…

It’s Bookmas Day 3 and that means it’s time for my third favourite book of 2020.

Drum roll please…

The Jane Austen Society by Natalie Jenner

This is another book that I knew would be in my Top 12 books for the year as soon as I had finished reading it. Considering I read this book back in May and it still made it into my Top 3 for the year shows how much I loved this book.

Until recently I had only ever read Jane Austen in parts during my schooling but I have started reading her novels recently so I was more excited than I had expected when I got this book.

I loved that this book had facts about Jane Austen, her life and her works scattered throughout the story. I also loved that each of the characters had a story about why they loved Jane Austen and how her novels changed them. This book doesn’t involve a book club like style in talking about Jane Austen novels; it is more about Jane Austen then her specific works.

This book had an ensemble cast of amazing and different characters that all added to the story in unique ways. There are many books that when you finished reading it you realise that their were characters and storylines that were unnecessary to the plot. That isn’t the case with this book. I honestly don’t believe this book would have worked if even one of the characters were removed from the story.

I loved every page of this book. It has stayed with me since May, and I don’t think my love for it will fade any time soon. I am so glad that I read this book; especially this year when I needed an escape from the real world.

As this was Natalie Jenner’s debut novel, I am keeping a close eye out for her next release. I am hoping that Natalie Jenner may become one of my new favourite authors.

That’s it for Bookmas Day 3!

Happy Reading Everyone…


Bookmas Day 4…

It’s Bookmas Day 4 and that means it’s time for my fourth favourite book of 2020.

Drum roll please…

Home Stretch by Graham Norton

This is a more recent read for me and as I loved it so much it doesn’t surprise me that it ended up number 4 on my Top 12 books of the year.

This is the second of Graham Norton’s novels that I have read. I really enjoyed the first one I read; A Keeper, but I absolutely loved this one. I had high expectations, but apparently they weren’t high enough.

The scope of this book alone took my breathe away. Some times I find it hard to stay interested in stories that take place over many years, so I was surprised but how invested I became in this story as it takes place over many decades.

I loved how this book covered topics that changed as the years passed. Watching how times changes and people views and opinions changed was a beautiful thing to see.

I don’t want to give too much away about this book, but I will say that what the reader things they know isn’t true. The reader is taken through years of various characters lives thinking they know why the characters are the way they are, only to have bit and pieces of new evidence added to the story as the years unfold.

Graham Norton did a fantastic job with this book. There are very few books that tick all of the boxes but this one did. The story touched my heart and has stayed with me since I finished reading the book in early October. The writing is raw and breathtaking; the way the story unfolds with the gentle nudging on such perfect writing make for a truly beautiful reading experience.

As for the characters in this book; they were an interesting collection. Even though their is technically an ensemble cast; they are all connected thanks to the small Irish town that they come from. This intertwining makes for some very emotional and tense moments.

I would love to see this book adapted to Film or Television. I can easily see myself; and many others, sitting down and loving an adaptation of this book. The writing, the characters and the story are perfect for the screen.

If you are looking for a book to add to you TBR piles this is it! Get it now!

That’s it for Bookmas Day 4!

Happy Reading Everyone…
