The Ultimate Player’s Guide To Skylanders Superchargers by Hayley Camille

I will admit that before I read this book I had no idea what Skylanders were. The title of this book pretty much explains everything. This book is filled with everything you will need to get started on your Skylanders adventure.

Given that I had no idea what Skylanders were I was surprised at how easy it was to get into this book. The layout made it really easy to follow. This book is really well written, so if your new to Skylanders you won’t have any trouble reading it.

With lots of great pictures and tables, this book is packed with helpful hints and step by step instructions to help you on your journey.

Hayley’s writing was fun and passionate. She is obviously a lover of Skylanders. Her descriptions were explained in great yet not over whelming detail.

This book is a must have for anyone interested in Skylanders Superchargers.

Available by Matteson Perry

After a bad break up, nice guy and serial monogamist Matteson Perry decides to stay out of a relationship for a year. This interesting memoir is both funny and touching.

We journey with Matteson through the world of online dating, hook ups and casual sex. Filled with thoughtful tales of lessons learned and people he met, Available is a look at single life and dating through the eyes of a man.

This book was very easy to read. Smart and well written I didn’t want to put it down. With some cringe worthy experiences and some genuine laugh out loud moments i couldn’t wait for the next chapter.

It doesn’t matter if you were reading about break ups, experiences at Burning Man or his descent into sleazy guy territory, Matteson had you hooked.

This book is a great read for young and old, male and female. Go read it now.

I expect we will be hearing much more from Matteson Perry in the future.

Old Blue Learns The Lessons Of Life by Bette M. Goodson

I judged this book by its cover. Stupid me.

This beautiful little book was a very welcome surprise. It was well written, sweet, sad, funny and absolutely heart warming. I couldn’t put it down.

Told from the point of view of a 1988 Ford Festiva, Old Blue takes the reader on a journey through her life and adventures. Filled with messages of love and hope. With many lessons to be learned along the way.

A wonderful book for all ages. This book would be especially magical if shared with your child. With questions, suggestions and tasks scattered throughout this book, it would be perfect to share with kids. This book could be a great tool to help children learn about life. With chapters about bullying, jealousy and loss, there is always a hopeful message coming off the pages.

My only criticism about this book was its cover. It was a little bland. I didn’t feel it lived up to the standards of the story being told in its pages. Other than the cover I wouldn’t change a thing.

All I have left to say is I truly didn’t want this book to end. Go out and read it now.

There’s No One Like Jesus by Blake Western

With only 20 chapters There’s No One Like Jesus was a fast paced, quick read.

Filled with messages of hope and over flowing with hymns, poems, quotes and bible passages. This book won’t appeal to everyone.

I have read quite a few religious books of late and this one just didn’t measure up for me. I found it repetitive and a little boring in some places. I also found myself reading things in this book that I have read previously. I feel that the author didn’t really have a voice. He was being drowned out by all the other authors he was quoting.

I would probably only recommend this book to a handful of people.

The Looney Tunes Treasury by Andrew Farago

Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck or Tweetie Bird. It doesn’t matter who your favourite Looney Tunes character is, they are all here. Take a walk with author Andrew Farago through this beautiful nostalgia trip.

Featuring all of the Looney Tunes much-loved characters just as I remembered them. Reading this book was like a blast from the past. Bringing up memories of Saturday morning cartoons enjoyed with the family.

This book really is the whole package. Funny anecdotes, beautiful images and wonderful writing. For those few people new to Looney Tunes this is a wonderful introduction. And for those of us already in love with these amazing characters this book is a celebration of everything Looney Tunes.

This is a great book for young and old, and for Looney Tunes fans it is a must have.

My Story, My Life, So Far by Michael Wall

This book is a brief account of author Michael Wall’s life. A drop in the sea of what I’m sure has been a fascinating journey.

Michael takes you through a condensed look at his past. From his paddock in England to his journey around Australia. As well as his time in the Army and his life as an Ambo. After reading this book it is clear to me that Michael is someone you would want to have a beer with so you could hear all of his amazing stories.

This book is a quick read, less than 100 pages. The writing isn’t perfect, sometimes disjointed and repetitive but the stories being told are good enough that you really aren’t to fussed by these issues.

Based on what Michael has shared in this book I’m sure it would take another lifetime to write a more comprehensive biography.

Anyone who is looking for a quick read about some amazing people, places and experiences My Story, My Life, So Far is the book for you.

Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer

Into Thin Air is a heartbreaking account of the 1996 Mt Everest disaster. Written by Jon Krakauer, an accomplished climber and Journalist.

The 1996 disaster was one of the worst tragedies Mt Everest has ever seen. In Nepal standing at 29,029ft above sea level is the summit of Mt Everest. The worlds tallest mountain.

Everest is a Mecca for mountaineers and amateur climbers from around the world. With over 200 bodies lying where they fell, no one can claim that is safe to climb.

As commercial climbing came to fruition in the early 90’s many people believed it was a disaster waiting to happen.

Jon Krakauer’s Into Thin Air chronicles the summit attempts of climbing teams during the 1996 climbing season. Jon a climber and journalist joined Adventure Consultants led by mountaineer Rob Hall. Not only to write an article about the commercialisation of Mt Everest but to also fulfil his boy hood dream of summiting the worlds tallest mountain.

Jon’s account takes you through the acclimatization process, the partial climbs and descents, the friendships made on the mountain as well as the tragedy that unfolded and the fallout for those involved.

Rob Hall’s Adventure Consultants and Scott Fischer’s Mountain Madness were rival companies that teamed up due to the overwhelming number of teams on the mountain in 1996. Agreeing to work together to share the load in hopes of getting all their clients to the top and down safely.

Jon’s book details the decisions and circumstances that led to the death of 8 people. This vivid and compelling account puts you at the scene of some of the most heartbreaking moments you will ever read. The utter helplessness of the climbers when faced with the mountain and the elements. The fear of dying and forever remaining where you lay. To the gut wrenching phone call between Rob Hall and his pregnant wife as he lay high on Everest unable to be saved.

Many books have been written about the 1996 Mt Everest disaster. Many different views of what went wrong and who was to blame. Into Thin Air is one man’s recollection of the event, With input from people who were on the mountain at the time.

Jon does well in recounting his experience and laying out the facts as he saw and remembers without trying to point blame. His Journalism background shows through while reading this book. The structure, background and emotional connectivity draw you in from start to finish.

This haunting account of a truly devastating event is definitely going to stay with me.

Whatever your knowledge of the Everest Disaster or your opinions on commercialised climbing this book is a must read.