Pointless Facts 47!

As I am really enjoying compiling Pointless Facts, I am going to stick with my plan of posting a new list every month; at least until it stops being fun for me. So I hope you all enjoy this month’s installment of Pointless Facts.

Let’s jump in, shall we?

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the world’s largest coral reef. It is famous for snorkeling and diving.

One in five adults worldwide is unable to read or write.

The world’s oldest fossil fuel which is approximately 3.4 billion years old was discovered in Australia.

People who read fiction books tend to be nicer.

Australia is one of the largest exporters of agricultural goods like wool, wheat, beef, and fruit.

The Holy Bible continues to be the best-selling, and the most-read book in the world.

Australia is rich in minerals and metals as well and is the world’s fourth-largest producer of gold.

Victor Hugo wrote the longest sentence ever printed in the novel Les Miserables.

The Dingo fence in Australia is surprisingly longer than the Great Wall of China.

It takes about 475 hours to write a novel book.

I hope you all enjoyed today’s pointless facts. Let me know in the comments if these pointless facts were new to you or if you have already come across them.


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